CVRep Auditions
JCS the rock opera is set against the backdrop of an extraordinary and universally known series of events but seen through the eyes of Judas Iscariot.
Coachella Valley Repertory (Black Box Theatre)
Monday, January 13, 2025
10AM – 2PM
MOVEMENT / DANCE CALL (including all ensemble): 3PM
To book an audition slot, please click here:
Seeking the following roles and ensemble singer / dancers.
Jesus Christ –20-35 – Rock Tenor (A2–G5) – Title role, leader of the twelve disciples, called the “Son of God” and the “King of the Jews.” Jesus has a difficult time accepting fate & struggles with the weight of leadership.
King Herod – Any Age – Baritone (C♯3–G4) – The King of Galilee; Jesus is brought to Herod for judgment after first being taken to Pilate. Herod is a comedic role. Starts very nonchalant and as the scene progresses, becomes more irritated when he doesn’t get his way.
Ensemble – All Ages – All Ranges – strong rock/pop singers, should be dancers or strong movers, will play apostles, lepers, soldiers, King Herod’s soul girls, merchants, Judas’ tormentors, reporters, temple ladies, & may understudy other principal roles. Please note: All Ensemble must be able to move well, and attend the Movement / Dance Call at 3PM. Those who can dance may be assigned larger dance parts. Tennis shoes and / or jazz shoes are fine for the movement / dance call. No heels, tap or ballet shoes needed.
If you are unable to attend auditions, please send headshot / resume and links to reels to: akarsten@cvrep.org
To be notified of CVRep Audition opportunities, please join our audition mailing list located here.
Rehearsals / Performances February 11 – March 23, 2025)
JCS the rock opera is set against the backdrop of an extraordinary and universally known series of events but seen through the eyes of Judas Iscariot.
CVRep operates under an SPT-8 Contract with AEA.