1468510_789503631091046_86965626800671382_nNANCI SORIN COLLYER brings this innovative and highly effective technique for singers, actors, public speakers, pros and beginners to the CVRep Conservatory. Nanci taught for 30 years in NYC and since 2003, here in the Coachella Valley.


Using a unique combination of medical, artistic and yoga principles, these isolation exercises for the vocal anatomy allow the air to flow freely, create more stamina, relaxation, increase vocal range, more power and confidence! The principles are applied immediately to a song or copy.


Three New Classes starting in May:
Monday, May 30th at 1:30 pm
Tuesday, May 31st at 1:30 pm
Thursday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm

Depending on the number of students per class the fee structure is:
$130 four students, $135 three students, $140 two students

Each class meets for 4-weeks.

Private classes available
Under 18 years….consultation needed

For more information or for a consultation, please call
Nanci Sorin Collyer at 442-666-8641

To sign up for the class, please call the CVRep Box Office at 760-296-2966

“Nanci has exceptional talent beyond her ability to listen, encourage, instruct and motivate. It’s her ability to connect and help develop one’s natural vocal talent. Her patience and immense reservoir of experience is invaluable. If you want to discover and realize your potential, I encourage you to spend time with Nanci.“
– Dr. Corina Morrison, DC, CCSP, Palm Desert, CA

Coachella Valley Repertory

Thought-provoking Theatre of Substance

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