This season’s Youth Outreach Production is BEFORE THE BELL.

Directed by Howard Shangraw
Drama, 1 Act

A Play About Bullying
by Kerry Kazmierowicztrimm

Before the Bell is a gripping drama that takes place 20-minutes before the school day begins.  We  witness a chain of events that leads to an incident when two school bullies confront and physically assault a student. We experience this event from the victim’s point-of-view.

Suddenly, time stops and restarts. We then see this same 20-minute period take place once again – but this time from the perspective of one of the bullies.

The story stops and starts again, and we see the scene for a third and final time – this time from the perspective of the other bully.

Through this shift in time, we’re spectators to all the interconnected factors that can lead to violence in school, and the role bystanders play in these situations.

Performed by Coachella Valley area high school students.


Bee Adams –  Dee
Annabella Alaniz –  Domenica
David Flores –  Ethan
Delila Franchesca –  Sonia
Nathan Gazi –  Jacob
Analiya Gonzalez –  Maria
Rebeccah La Cour –  Kelly
Rigo Oropeza –  Trevor
Yahajaira Paz –  Kayla
Jessica Totten –  Kim
Josiah Voorhies –  Mike
Keyara Whitney –  Jade


Howard Shangraw – Director 
Rebeccah La Cour – Assistant Director
Joshua Adams – Sound Design
Jimmy Cuomo – Set & Scenic Design
Melina Ginn – Stage Manager
Phoebe Bredeson – Assistant Stage Manager
Moira Wilkie – Lighting Design

Production Information

Performance dates: September 17 – September 27, 2024

It has always been a priority of CVRep to present an annual production for Coachella Valley students that is culturally and socially relevant in today’s complicated world. Over the past ten years we have performed for close to 14,000 students, free of charge, to experience live theatre, some for the first time. CVRep not only provides the performance to the children for free, but will also pay for the buses to bring the school students to the theatre.

At the end of each performance, a Q&A is conducted, where the audience could discuss what they experienced as well as ask questions. This process opens up a dialogue to continue a conversation long after leaving the theatre.

If you represent a school and would like more information and / or to schedule your students for a performance, please contact Howard Shangraw at

CVRep’s Annual Youth Outreach Program is possible because of the generous support by The Auen Foundation and The Anderson Children’s Foundation.

Coachella Valley Repertory

Thought-provoking Theatre of Substance

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